Phishing remains one of the top cyberthreats to businesses today. To combat such attacks, Microsoft has armed Microsoft 365 Defender with powerful cybersecurity features. Let’s take a look at some of them. 1. Anti-phishing The most dangerous types of phishing scams involve emails that are disguised to appear like it’s from an entity. An attacker […]
How does Microsoft 365 Defender fight phishing?
Microsoft 365 features that prevent phishing
Over the years, Microsoft has built a reputation as a provider of powerful and intuitive tools that enhance efficiency and productivity. The company is also continuously taking steps to protect their users from today’s top cyberthreats. A great example of this is Microsoft 365, which is well equipped to combat phishing scams. Among the many […]
Office 365 stops billions of phishing emails
Sending phishing emails is the most common method hackers use to distribute malware and steal information. In fact, there are billions of phishing emails sent every year, and millions of people keep falling for them. However, if you’re subscribed to Office 365 there’s a good chance that you won’t see harmful messages in your inbox, […]
Office 365 gets new security tools
Security is, by far, the biggest issue concerning most businesses today. Although safeguards like firewalls and antivirus software are necessary, they’re no longer sufficient in dealing with increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks. Today, companies require multiple layers of security to steer clear of cyberattacks and compliance woes. To help companies with this process, Microsoft has released threat […]