5 types of VoIP services you should know about

Most business owners and individual users know that making calls via VoIP is cheaper and more feature-rich when compared with the old landline telephony system. Still, you might be unaware of the VoIP service options out there, not to mention how to determine the right one for your needs. So, read on to learn more. […]

Microsoft’s plans for Skype for Business

Office 365 users received big news about what’s happening to its VoIP platform during the 2017 Ignite conference. According to Microsoft, Skype for Business will eventually be replaced by Teams — an all-in-one collaboration platform that rivals popular tools like Slack. If you’re currently using Skype for Business, here’s what you need to know. Upgrades […]

New version of Microsoft Office announced

Do you use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or Excel on a daily basis? You’re not alone. The Office suite has more than one billion users, and with a new version coming out next year that number could go up. Whether your organization currently uses Office or not, you need to be prepared for the next version. […]

DR tips for floods and hurricanes

The trail of devastation left by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma has reminded us once again that coastlines and even entire regions of the country can be demolished by natural disasters. While catastrophes cannot be prevented, planning around them with a well-crafted disaster recovery (DR) strategy can help minimize the damages and keep your business alive. […]

Backup and Sync: Google’s new business tool

Businesses that store and process large volumes of data need a highly organized storage and backup system. Although there are various ways to do this — like keeping them on multiple devices or putting them on external hard drives and memory cards — these are not very efficient and can also be misplaced. Google’s new […]

The wait for Microsoft Teams is over!

Slack is a well-known, cloud-based collaboration tool that helps your team communicate better and be more productive. Microsoft Teams is Window’s own version with a twist. It’s been reported that prior to its release, a gigantic update was rolled out that equipped Teams with a bevy of features that will definitely make a difference. Smarter […]

5 ways to successfully move UC to the cloud

If moving unified communications to the cloud is such a practical and inexpensive communications solution, why hasn’t everyone done it yet? A cloud-based unified communications (UC) means user flexibility, reduced technical support, and cost-savings on communication systems. Still, plenty remain unmoved. If you’ve considered moving your UC to the cloud but are not sure of […]

Google’s game changing Cloud Print service

Despite today’s paperless business environment, every now and then there comes a time when you just have to use a printer. And since many businesses have embraced cloud computing, why not combine the cloud with regular printers? Will these devices enjoy the same benefits that cloud computing businesses enjoy? Find out more about Google’s Cloud […]

Best business apps: OneDrive vs SharePoint

SharePoint and OneDrive are similar programs used to help business owners manage and share company data across the board. Choosing which program will best utilize the space and resources you have can be confusing. For a quick overview of these unique programs and how to rationalize the choice for your business, continue reading. Similarities between […]

How to make the most out of your BYOD policy

There’s a lot of talk about BYOD policies these days. While most companies are more concerned with the security risks that go along with bringing your own device, far fewer business owners forget the productivity risks. Believe it or not, a poor BYOD policy (or lack thereof) can actually hurt your staff’s productivity. Here are […]