
Quick guide to choosing a mouse

The good ol’ two-button mouse just won’t cut it anymore. They’re unresponsive, uncomfortable, and the cord somehow ties itself up every time you put it in your bag. However, buying a new mouse can be confusing, so if you’re having difficulty picking the right one, here are some things you should keep in mind. Cable […]

MyAnalytics: O365’s productivity coach

Installing software that immediately boosts employee efficiency is any small- or medium-sized business owner’s dream. With Office 365’s dashboard, that’s exactly what you’re getting. And best of all, it’s directly integrated with your existing productivity suite. Read on to learn more. What is MyAnalytics? MyAnalytics apply machine learning technology to your employees’ Office 365 data. […]

Keep your callers happy by using VoIP

If you don’t want your customers to switch to your competitors, customer satisfaction should be on top of your priority list. One sure way to keep them satisfied is by having a professional yet customer-friendly phone strategy. Something as simple as your automated on-hold messages may seem inconsequential, but when people need help, you don’t […]

Master Microsoft Excel with these 3 tips

Digital literacy is all about mastering essential computer skills like navigating search engines and word processors. But one of the most crucial you need to learn is Excel. Check out these tips to be an Excel master. Pie and Sunburst Charts Everyone knows that bombarding stakeholders with endless numbers and decimal points is the wrong […]

How to adjust your Windows 10 notifications

Unless the computer app is critical for your work, alerts about a new patch update or incoming message can distract you. Luckily, you can personalize your notifications settings on Windows 10’s action center using these three simple steps. Overarching action center settings First of all, you should customize your Windows 10 system-wide notifications settings. To […]

5 Simple but effective cybersecurity tricks

Can you name five cybersecurity best practices? Most people can’t, and few of those who can, actually follow them. Unfortunately, cyberattacks are far too common to be lax about staying safe online. Your identity could be stolen, or even worse, you could expose private information belonging to your company’s clients. There are many ways you […]

Is Hardware-as-a-Service worth it?

Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS) is not a new concept. Similar to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), where you pay a monthly fee to a service provider in order to use a piece of software, HaaS lets you do the same to use state-of-the-art hardware. But what benefits does it offer your business? Big savings For SMBs, cash flow is a […]

Cash in on tech trends with these 5 tips

What recent tech fads has your SMB dismissed as silly? 3D printing, internet of things…Pokémon GO? Juvenile as they may seem, these trends helped a lot of businesses make money. Navigating them may seem like a lost cause, but with the right know-how, you can earn profits by exploiting current tech trends. Let’s take a […]

Here are more VoIP features you can use

The many features available for VoIP may overwhelm and confuse you. You might even overlook a lot of them. How do you keep track of all its applications and functions? We’ve compiled a list of features included with your VoIP service that often go unnoticed. Busy lamp field The busy light notifies you when people […]

Watch out for this persuasive phishing email

Anglers catch fish by dangling bait in front of their victims, and hackers use the same strategy to trick your employees. There’s a new phishing scam making the rounds and the digital bait is almost impossible to distinguish from the real thing. Here are the three things to watch out for in Office 365 scams. […]